Cost of Care


One of our core values at Ember is to increase access to a safe, effective treatment option that provides significant relief from depression. We recognize that cost and coverage of treatment is a primary concern for our patients, and we’ve done all we can to make it simple, fair, and transparent.


We charge $550 per treatment visit and $275 for a one-time orientation visit. Otherwise we do not charge for intake, care coordination, or any additional services outside of the office visit fees.

Payment is expected at the time of each in-office visit, usually via the credit card on file registered during the intake process.

We require that all new clients attend an in-office orientation visit with one of our physicians, followed by a foundational series of four infusion treatments over two weeks. You should therefore expect to pay $2,475 over this initial treatment period. After the foundation, we assess together whether IV ketamine is a good ongoing treatment option for you based on your goals and clinical results.

Because ketamine is not a cure, we administer booster infusions as depressive symptoms recur. While each person’s duration of benefit is different, patients on average return once every six weeks for a single booster as part of their comprehensive care plans.

This means that your cost of treatment over time will depend on whether IV ketamine leads to the results you desire, and if so, on the frequency of boosters needed to sustain positive results over time.

Insurance Coverage

We are not aware of any insurance provider that will cover ketamine treatments in-network. That said, most people with out-of-network benefits under their health insurance plans are eligible to receive reimbursement for their care with us.

Committed to making care as affordable and accessible as possible, we’ve outlined a set of steps and resources to help you navigate the out-of-network reimbursement process. Read more here.

Sliding Scale Program

Even though we’ve priced our services to maximize access, we recognize our fees are out of reach for many.

We have therefore committed to providing significantly reduced visit fees for up to 20% of our patients at any given time through an income based sliding scale program.

If finances are a concern for you, let us know. Depending on your insurance coverage, your income, and our capacity, we will do all we can to provide access to care that works within your constraints.

Value of Care

At Ember Health, we are confident that we offer the greatest value per dollar spent to alleviate depression. That is because we only administer intravenous (IV) ketamine which has the best efficacy data, we have a 1:1 patient to clinician ratio at all times, we only ever charge for in-person care, and we customize care plans to meet each individual’s needs, not to maximize profits. Click here to read more about our value of care.


Cancellation/No Show

Patients can reschedule or cancel appointments up to 48 hours in advance without any financial repercussion. No-shows or canceled appointments within the 48 hour window will be billed for the full fee of the missed visit.

Late Arrival

Our objective is to ensure the safe and timely administration of care. Patients who arrive more than 15 minutes late for their scheduled appointment will be billed the full fee for the scheduled time, and will need to reschedule their care. We cannot promise extra time beyond the designated appointment slot.

Credit Card On File

Ember Health requires an active credit card on file for all patients. The card will be charged after a patient has arrived for their visit. This allows for seamless payment of in-office visits and allows us to provide consistent, high quality care.

Ember Health will charge the card if an appointment is canceled within 48 hours of the scheduled time, if a patient arrives after the 15 minute grace period, or if a patient doesn’t show up for a scheduled appointment.

This is in accordance with the Acknowledgement of Financial Responsibility form that every patient signs in the intake process at Ember Health.

Still have questions? Feel free to contact us directly, or have your healthcare provider contact us on your behalf.