Ember Health

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Accounts from a 49 year old woman going through perimenopause

Before Ember

I’ve struggled with depression throughout my life, which has always felt hormonal for me. I started researching ketamine therapy around 2021 and looked at a couple of places, but didn’t move forward with treatment at the time. Then in 2022, I was dealing with a lot of hormonal issues and symptoms, and I just felt like I hit rock bottom. I’ve never taken antidepressants or anything, but have been dealing with the effects of perimenopause for about five years. I have been working with my gynecologist on this, and found a wonderful doctor who has helped many women experiencing hormonal issues.

Most gynecologists want to put perimenopausal patients on a low dose antidepressant, but many of those medications come with other side effects. I already had so many symptoms I was going through, so I’d been really reluctant about starting antidepressants. Ultimately, IV ketamine therapy was the method I decided to go with.

The Experience

I had a great experience with Ember Health and the doctor I worked with was really patient with me throughout. The first infusion was very challenging, but I knew what to expect after that.

I’ve been completing the mood surveys Ember sends me bi-weekly and I think they’re a great way to check in with myself. Sometimes, I’m not even aware I’m headed towards a dark space until I see my results. The mood surveys have been very helpful to understand when it’s time for me to come back in.

I felt a very strong dip around Thanksgiving, after which time I came in and did two more sessions. I feel like I get these very low dips with my hormonal levels. I’ve been doing hormone therapy, but I’m super sensitive to many therapies that are out there. A lot of women take patches or birth control, but those seem to cause more symptoms for me.

I’m now trying a lighter dose cream which seems to be working. I think everything I’m doing in conjunction with the ketamine is working really well for me.

The Impact I’ve Felt

After my infusions, I definitely see life through a bird's eye view instead of my own negative perspective. I have done years of talk therapy and never have felt a more positive impact than doing ketamine therapy. I feel like I’ve been in some pretty dark spaces and ketamine therapy kind of acts like a light switch in my brain; it takes me out of that space and makes me look at things in a positive light.

After every infusion, I’ve come out feeling lighter. I don’t know how other people experience it, but to me, it feels spiritual. I’ve had people who have done psychedelics in social situations ask me what it's like to have an experience in a medical atmosphere. I’ve told them that it’s amazing because you get to have this experience with yourself that is like no other. I think it’s really beneficial and more people should do it.